Arovax SmartHide akan menyembunyikan alamat IP cepat dan aman. Memiliki server cepat memberikan kecepatan tinggi internet. Arovax SmartHide akan remuk semua file yang ditransfer (akan menghemat uang dan lalu lintas). Arovax SmartHide akan menyembunyikan alamat IP hati-hati. Seorang pengguna tidak terlihat sepanjang waktu saat terhubung ke server SmartHide Arovax. SmartHide akan menyembunyikan alamat IP pada tingkat yang sangat tinggi itu sebabnya tidak ada keharusan untuk khawatir tentang privasi pribadi.

* Surfing secara online anonim
* Menjaga Hacker off
* Mencegah Pencurian Identitas & Penipuan Kartu Kredit
* Memblokir Menguping ISP
* Melindungi Privasi Online
* Chatting di MIRC, ICQ, dan MSN dengan lokasi nyata tersembunyi.
* Belanja online dengan aman
* Internet Memastikan perbankan aman
* Mengirim Email anonim
* Posting di papan buletin tanpa menampilkan identitas asli Anda
* Melindungi semua koneksi termasuk Wi-Fi
* Mengakses Internet radioes

Manfaat utama
* Aman Proxy
Setiap alamat IP yang Anda lihat adalah dapat digunakan, cepat dan 100% aman!

* Mudah digunakan Antarmuka
Satu klik dan Anda siap untuk pergi. Sembunyikan alamat IP nyata Anda tanpa konfigurasi apapun.

* Alamat IP Dinamis
IP otomatis mengubah perlindungan, menyesuaikan set-it-dan-berhenti-itu mode manual.

* Bekerja Dengan Lot
Kompatibel dengan Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98 dan edisi Server, 32 dan 64 bit.

Arovax SmartHide will hide IP address fast and secure. It has fast servers providing the high speeds of the Internet. Arovax SmartHide will compress all transferred files ( it will save the money and traffic). Arovax SmartHide will hide IP address carefully. A user is invisible all the time while connected to Arovax SmartHide server. SmartHide will hide IP address on the very high level that's why there's no necessity to worry about personal privacy.

Features :
* Surfing online Anonymously
* Keeping Hackers off
* Preventing Identity Theft & Credit Card Fraud
* Blocking ISP Eavesdropping
* Protecting Online Privacy
* Chatting in MIRC, ICQ, and MSN with real location concealed.
* Shopping online securely
* Ensuring Internet banking safe
* Sending anonymous Emails
* Posting on bulletin boards without displaying your real identity
* Protecting all connections including Wi-Fi
* Accessing Internet radioes

Primary Benefits
* Safe Proxy
Every IP address you see is usabld, fast and 100% secure!

* Easy-to-use Interface
One single click and you are ready to go. Hide your real IP address without any configuration.

* Dynamic IP Address
Automated IP changing protection, customize set-it-and-stop-it manual mode.

* Works With a Lot
Compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98 and Server editions, 32 and 64 bit.

DOWNLOAD FlashFXP 4.2.0 Build 1730 Final

FlashFXP is a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client for Windows, which offers the easiest and fastest way to transfer any file between your local computer and a server on the Internet, or even directly between two servers using Site to Site transfers. Available in over 20 languages. FlashFXP offer security, performance, and reliability that you can always count on to get your job done quickly and efficiently. Use FlashFXP to publish and maintain your website, Upload and download documents, photos, videos, music and more, Share your files with your friends and co-workers, or even use it to download other shareware! There are many, many features available in FlashFXP.

FlashFXP Features :
- Fully tested and supports gigabit speeds (including Jumbo Frames)
- MODE Z support for on-the-fly streaming compression.
- Support for FEAT and "stat -l" fast directory listing reduces overhead and improves compatibilty.
- Download and upload speed limiting. Save some of your bandwidth for browsing the web.
- Advanced Skip list.
- Optional caching of remote directory lists.

- Includes OpenSSL Libraries 0.9.8b.
- Automatic support for One Time Password (OTP) S/KEY.
- Strong encryption (Blowfish) can be applied to the site manager to protect your information.
- Connect to sites using SSL/TLS encryption for added security, including the use of client certs.
- SSL Site-to-Site (SSCN) Transfers.
- Clear Command Channel (CCC).

- Site to Site (FXP) Transfers.
- Fully recursive file transferring (uploading, downloading, site to site).
- Caching allows for offline browsing, queueing.
- Firewall support, allowing you to define a set range of local ports, or bind to a specific IP.
- FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy, Socks 4, 5 support. (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Proxy, etc).
- Internal ident server.
- Per Site Connectivity modes support.
- PRET support for distributed FTP servers.

- Full Multi-language support.
- Simple (FTP-Only) and Advanced (FXP) views.
- Advanced queue control.
- Transfer Graph (only ftp transfer speeds can be graphed).
- Multi-Proxy Server Manager.
- Synchronized browsing allows webmasters to keep local and remote directly listings in synch while browsing.
- Internal Schedule (Transfer or Stop a queue at a specific time).
- Enhanced drag-and-drop functionality.
- Import site listings from Cute FTP, WS_FTP, FTP Explorer, LeapFTP, and Bullet Proof. Including passwords!.
- Optional displaying of Owner/Groups/Attrib.
- Site Stats, keeps track of your uploads/downloads and overall totals.
- Minimizes to system tray.
- List hidden files.
- Folder Bookmarks to provide one click access to any folder.
- Quick backup/restore of all sites/settings.
- Internal text editor for quick edits.

Advanced Options
- Extensive command line options for scripting/scheduling.
- Remote FTP file search.
- Custom file highlighting; display file masks in user defined colors.
- Calculate the size of all files in a specified path.
- Grouped SITE custom commands.
- Priority transfer list.
- Time Zone setting for Site Manager.
- Selective Transfer feature (transfer only images or just php files).

Link Download : HERE

DOWNLOAD Privacy Eraser Pro 9.02

Privacy Eraser Pro is an Internet Eraser that protects your Internet privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of Internet and computer activities. Our Internet Eraser supports popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, AOL, Opera and MSN Explorer. Privacy Eraser Pro supports free plug-ins to extend cleaning features, you can easily erase the tracks left by any applications and make your own plug-ins. We currently offer more than 250 FREE plug-ins which supports the most popular programs such as ACDSee, Acrobat, Microsoft Office, KaZaA, Real Player, Media Player and many others. Privacy Eraser (Pro) supports Microsoft Windows FAT/FAT32/NTFS file systems, completely implements and exceeds the US Department of Defense DOD 5220.22-M and NSA clearing and sanitizing standard, to gives you confidence that once erased with Privacy Eraser (Pro) your file data is gone forever and can not be recovered.

Privacy Eraser Pro is a very useful program for cleaning up the history of your activities on a computer. Maybe you don't realize that Windows and other software programs store information about what you have done, what documents you have used, what web sites you have visited, what images and movies you have seen, and various other activities you have performed. The Windows built-in functions will not protect you, most of the tracks can not be erased with them. Therefore, anyone else can see what you have been doing on your computer, which raises several privacy concerns. Furthermore, much of your activity information takes up valuable disk space, and recovering this space can be very beneficial.

Main Features of Privacy Eraser Pro:
• Erase Internet Explorer Cache Files
• Erase Internet Explorer Browser History
• Erase Internet Explorer Cookies
• Erase Internet Explorer Address Bar History
• Erase Internet Explorer Index.dat Files
• Erase Internet Explorer AutoComplete Memory
• Erase Windows Recent Documents History
• Erase Windows Start Menu Run/Find History
• Erase Windows Recycle Bin
• Erase Windows Temporary Files Directory
• Erase Windows MediaPlayer Recent File List
• Erase Internet history from Google/Yahoo
• Support Mozilla Firefox, AOL, Netscape and Opera
• Select which cookies you want to keep
• File Shredder - Secure delete files & folders
• Cleaning Free Disk Space - FAT/FAT32/NTFS
• Scheduled Tasks & Plug-Ins Support
• Free space on your Hard Drive!
• Speed up your computer!

Install Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 di Linux

Cisco Packet Tracer merupakan program simulasi jaringan yang powerfull dan cara penggunaannya pun cukup mudah. Dengan software Cisco Packet Tracer, anda bisa mendesain dan merancang suatu bentuk jaringan. Bukan hanya sekedar jaringan lokal, tapi bisa mencakup hingga WAN.

Di linux apabila kita mau menjalankan sesuatunya serba lewat terminal (no GUI). Begitu pula jika kita ingin install cisco packet tracer 5.3 di linux juga harus via terminal. Caranya mudah, kita tinggal mengetik sedikit command di terminal linux ubuntu. Jika teman-teman punya koneksi internet cukup cepat bisa langsung install packet tracer via internet tanpa terlebih dahulu mendownload software-nya.

Ini Link Downloadnya, bagi yang mau download maaf bila tidak dapat di resume saat mendownload Packet Tracernya :

Ini step-step instalasinya:
  1. Masuk ke Terminal untuk mengeksekusi penginstalan Cisco Packet Tracer, Caranya Klik logo Linux anda, All Aplication, Accessories, Terminal atau cukup dengan shortkey di keyboard “Ctrl+Alt+T”
  2. Login sebagai super user, atau ketik ‘Sudo su’ lalu masukkan password anda
  3. Arahkan direktori ke tempat penyimpanan PacketTracer53_Ubuntu.tar.gz , Sebagai contoh defaultnya akan tersimpan di Downloads. Ketik
Cd Downloads

  1. Lalu lihat apakah benar sudah ada file tersebut, dengan ketik :
  1. Kalo sudah lakukan pengekstrakan dengan ketik :

tar xzvf PacketTracer53_Ubuntu.tar.gz

  1. pindah ke direktori PacketTracer53_Ubuntu

cd PacketTracer53_Ubuntu

  1. jalankan script install, dengan ketik :


Ikuti langkah-langkahnya sampai selesai

  1. setelah terinstall menjalankannya cukup dengan perintah